June is National Children’s Awareness Month. We at NWA Health Solutions love the work that we do with children every day. Dr. Sarah sees pediatric patients for a variety of reasons, ranging from colic to ear infections. Today’s children seem to have more health concerns than generations past. The increasing rates of food allergies, stress, depression, and childhood obesity are alarming. While the ongoing debate of why these conditions are overwhelming today’s children remains, we can offer some simple tips to improve your child’s overall well-being.
Chiropractic Care
First and foremost, chiropractic care is critical from infancy to early adolescence. Regular adjustments help your body heal itself and balance the nervous system. A balanced nervous system equals better physical coordination and improved mental clarity.
Well-Balanced Diet
The second most important thing you can do for your child is to keep him or her on a well-balanced diet. Raw, organic fruits and vegetables should be the core part of your child’s diet. Emphasize whole, unprocessed foods and try to completely eliminate foods that do not benefit your child nutritionally, such as soft drinks, fast food, pre-packaged foods, and anything containing trans-fat and artificial sugars. Also, try to incorporate as much water as possible. Everyone should consume half their weight in water ounces, daily.
Lastly, take your child outside every day for some fresh air, sunshine, and exercise. Today’s kids are overloaded with smartphones, video games, computers, and T.V. This technology has been partly to blame for rising levels of ADD/ADHD, sleep disorders, and childhood obesity. Not only does playing outdoors help integrate exercise into your child’s daily life, but it also gives your child a boost of Vitamin D, which is necessary to maintain strong bones, support healthy nerve function, and strengthen the immune system. Most importantly, it allows you to bond with your child while spending uninterrupted quality time together.
Product of the Month
Birth Song Botanicals offers nourishing tinctures, healing salves, and herbal teas and baths. There are several children specific tinctures including immune boosters, tranquility for restlessness during teething or sickness, and also a stomach-soothing remedy. Our patients have seen great results using these products and we are proud to carry them in our office. For the month of June, we are offering 10% OFF any Birth Song Botanicals Supplement for Children.
When you purchase PurePals, Chew C Berry and Children’s Daily Immune, you will receive 10% OFF.
PurePals offers support for healthy cognitive function, mood, and immune health among children.
Chew C Berry is specifically formulated to supply benefits of vitamin C supplementation. Vitamin C is necessary for growth development and repair of all body tissues. It also is often used to improve the immune system.
Children’s Daily Immune strengthens your Child’s immunity and respiratory systems to help keep them healthy all year long.