Thyroid Cancer is the Fastest Growing Cancer
According to the American Cancer Society, the chance of being diagnosed with thyroid cancer has tripled over the last three decades, making it the fastest-growing cancer. The Thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped endocrine gland that is normally located in the lower front of the neck. It produces hormones that enter the bloodstream and affect the metabolism, heart, brain, muscles, and liver and keep the body functioning properly and effectively.
The estimates for cases of Thyroid cancer have increased since 2017, and rates are higher for women than men. Women account for nearly three-quarters of thyroid cases. The exact cause is unknown. Some research has indicated that better imaging technology has caused the increase. “Much of this rise appears to be the result of the increased use of thyroid ultrasound, which can detect small thyroid nodules that might not otherwise have been found in the past,” The American Cancer Society says.
What are the signs or symptoms related to thyroid cancer?
A lump in the neck
Swelling in the neck
Pain in the front of the neck
Hoarseness or other voice changes
Trouble swallowing
Trouble breathing
How can you protect yourself? Here are five steps to performing a self-exam
- Hold a mirror in your hand, focussing on the lower front area of your neck, above the collarbones and below the voice box
- While focusing on this area in the mirror, tip your head back.
- Take a sip of water and swallow.
- Look at your neck while you swallow. Check for bulges or protrusions ( don’t confuse the Adam’s Apple with the Thyroid gland).
- If you see any bulges or protrusions you might have an enlarged thyroid gland or a thyroid nodule. Give your physician a call for an evaluation.
Thyroid Cancer has a higher survival rate than most cancers. Early detection is key and can help open up more treatment options. It is estimated that 15 million American
have undiagnosed thyroid problems. You can have your thyroid checked with a thyroid-stimulating hormone test, a blood test that can determine whether
the gland is functioning as it should.
Thyroid Testing and Management
Dr. Josh Rowden
Dr. Rowden has developed a Thyroid Program to help patients who have been battling thyroid symptoms. This program is designed to help manage these symptoms naturally. With proper lab testing, including all of the necessary tests, Dr. Rowden can determine what the proper steps would be to improve your overall health. this program will consist of testing, essential supplementation, as well as any therapies, nutritional counseling, and dietary changes recommended for a full recovery. This is a very successful program truly designed to fit your personal needs.