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Patient Services

The goal of chiropractic is to treat the origin of a condition, not the symptoms of a condition.  Chiropractors get to the root of the problem; why does this condition exist?  This approach is very different than that of a medical doctor.


 Today’s medicine treats symptoms that are associated with certain conditions, whereas chiropractors figure out where those symptoms originate from and treat the underlying condition.  There are many conditions that chiropractic can treat without drugs or surgery.  There are also many conditions that are not directly treated by chiropractic, but are indirectly affected.


 Spinal Alignment is an integral part of overall health! By allowing Dr. Rowden to remove any misalignments, you are improving your health, and preventing deterioration at the same time!

Nutritional Consultant

Dr. Rowden now provides Nutritional Consulting for her patients. If you are unsure of what changes to make in your diet, or just need a little guidance in supplements, please contact Dr. Rowden. What you put in your body, determines what your body puts out!

Lab Analysis

Simple, yet effective lab testing is a great way to learn more about how your body is functioning. If you feel like something is just “not right”, then you might want to consider running a few lab panels and determining what is going on inside your body. Our lab analysis includes hormone panels, food intolerance panels, adrenal stress index (chronic stress), thyroid panels and more.

Neurological Therapies 

A variety of therapies focused on balancing both lobes of your brain. These therapies are designed to strengthen the weak side of your brain, as well as your body, and even your eyes!

Physical Therapies 

Activities created to strengthen your postural muscles, as well as major muscle groups. We use therapeutic resistance bands, exercise balls, wobble boards, and more to regain the strength in each muscle group.


Receive A Complimentary Consultation

  • Numbness/Tingling

  • Shoulder Pain

  • Elbow Pain

  • Mid Back Pain

  • Scapular Pain

  • Reduced/Reversed Neck Curve

  • Hyperkyphosis

  • Knee Pain


  • Ankle Pain

  • Foot Pain

  • Plantar Fasciitis

  • Flat Feet

  • Degenerative Disc/Joint Conditions

  • Muscle Strain/Sprain

  • Winging Scapula

  • Low Energy

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