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Frequently Asked Questions
Does a chiropractic adjustment hurt?
A chiropractic adjustment is usually a painless experience. Many patients feels an immediate sense of relief of any discomfort they may have been experiencing.
Do I have to keep coming back forever?
ou should continue to come in and get evaluated as long as you want to take care of your health. You will not need to come in as often as you do in the beginning. Your spine and condition will stabilize over your time under our care, so less frequent care will be recommended. However, going to the chiropractor is similar to going to the gym or following a nutritional diet, the more often you follow your pattern, the more benefits you will receive.
What is the “popping” sound?
This sound is a gaseous release of Carbon Dioxide, CO2. The gas is realased upon movement of the joint during an adjustment. “Popping your knuckles” makes the same, painless, sound.
Is it safe to adjust kids?
Absolutely, chiropractic care is completely safe for children. Research shows many childhood conditions can be treated with chiropractic care.
How is the adjustment performed?
A chiropractic adjustment is a very specific procedure that is done with the doctor’s hands. After locating the exact segment that needs to be adjusted, the chiropractor will contact it with his/her hands to perform an adjustment.
What is the difference between a M.D. and a D.C.?
The difference between these two doctors lies in their approach of treatment for health conditions, contrary to the belief that the amount of education is different.
Are chiropractors real doctors?
Yes, chiropractors are granted a Doctorate of Chiropractic (D.C.) upon graduating from a government approved Chiropractic College. Chiropractors are licensed as a health care provider in every U.S. state. D.C.’s and M.D.’s experience a very similar rigorous curriculum, however, D.C.’s actually have more classroom education than their medical counterparts.
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